Welcome Home!

Welcome to Harrison College House!

Our team is eager to welcome you to campus - some for the first time - for what will hopefully be a year full of new opportunities. We are already busy planning programs and events that will give you the chance to connect with your peers and explore the campus and local Philadelphia community.

Harrison is excited to bring a new meaning to our house motto, non sibi sed toti, translated as "Not for the self, but for everyone." We are a big house with a big heart, and we hope you feel that throughout the year by fully engaging in our shared community. 

We're proud that you're joining us as the next group of Harrisonians, and we cannot wait to learn more about you. It's not too early to introduce yourselves to the house staff. Let us know about you. We will help you get involved with your new community even before you get here.

See you soon,

The Harrison Senior Staff
Eric T. Cottrell, House Director 
Deven M. Patel, Faculty Director
Nicola Gentili, College House Fellow
Mona Merling, College House Fellow