Film in Harrison | Primal Fear


Faculty Fellow in Harrison Mr. Nicola M Gentili and Harrison student residents Taylor Whitehead and Kaelin Suh present UNSUSPECTED, Film in Residence Harrison College House Fall 2023.

This Fall 2023 semester series seeks to show among the best movies with plot twists you'll never see coming! All movies follow the same recipe for their plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion. Some films are so predictable that it is easy to guess the ending halfway through the story. But sometimes, moviemakers create an original plot that leaves the audience guessing until the end. Unforeseen twists and shocking endings can leave an audience marked for days when skillfully used and can make those movies iconic and unforgettable.

All screenings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays @ 8pm in Harrison Heyer Sky Lounge.


Tonight's Movie: Primal Fear (Gregory Hoblit, 1996, 2h 9m)   
An alter boy is accused of murdering a preist, and the truth is buried several layers deep.


Tuesday October 10th, 2023 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM


Heyer Sky Lounge